Gridpay sign-up feedback (#79) Thank you for signing up for our new service! We’d love to hear about your experience with the sign-up journey. Your feedback will help us improve the process for future users.PreviousNextPlease rate your agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).The introductory email clearly explained the benefits of the new serviceThe request for me to sign-up was easy to understandThe sign-up process was easy to followI was able to complete the sign-up process quickly and efficientlyPreviousNextDo you have any further questions about the new service? Please detail below if so, or feel free to skipPreviousNextDo you have any recommendations for improving the sign-up journey information? Please detail below if so, or feel free to skipPreviousNextDo you have any further feedback on the sign-up journey? Please detail below if so, or feel free to skip Previous Submit Form